Park of the weekend
Easy novel game, story is about a small trip
1.One way story,there is no alternative.
Click and read,just like a picture book
2.playing time will be finish in a minute
3.About systems:
Game engine is NScripter
It worked right in windows8 windows11.I tested
If something trouble happens playing game,please try your mouse click,scroll,
and use menu in game screen.
4.If you want to write review,please write in Freem's review page
5.Copy right of this novel game is belong to Jiro Kaneko
Using without permission is illegal.
6.If it happens technical difficulties in your PC
I can't have resposible for it.
7.I will be happy if you enjoy the game
8.Please take a look for Freem's my game if you interested in.
***Speciai thanks to:
Game Programmer:
Naoki Takahashi
bgm music creater:
MusMus Watson
Free game distributer:
All of person taught me English
And you,playing this novel game!!
■ファイル名 | parkoftheweekend_ver1.00.zip |
■バージョン | 1.00 |
■容量 | 7,859 KByte |
■必要ランタイム | |
■動作環境 | Win 8 64bit/11 |
■特徴 | |
■推奨年齢 | 全年齢 |
■登録日 | 2022-08-12 |
■ファイル更新日 | 2022-08-12 |
■情報更新日 | 2022-08-12 |


To Jiro Kaneko,
I loved reading this story, it brings me extreme peace and to relax, the way you write is very kind. This was my favorite moment of my day, I hope you can write ...(省略されました)