Not your average puzzle game
# Play time
25 Minutes
# Game description
The backmovers move backwards depending on your relative position against them. Move them away to unlock the exits
List features of this game
-20 Maps + Tutorial
-Reset point available after tutorial
-4 endings depending on how many times map are reset
# Production tools
SRPG Studio
# Development period
10 Months (on and off)
# About posting reviews on Freem!
Please go ahead. There will be no sequel for this game so keep this in mind when reviewing.
# About posting fan illustrations on Freem!
Due to the assets are from RTP, please do not post fanart.
# About live / live broadcast
Please put "game title" in the title of the video/livestream and put this game page URL or official site URL in the video description. If you stream this game on Twitch, please include the game URL throughout within the stream screen.
# Disclaimer
I do not guarantee that this game works properly in your PC. Please play this game at your own risk.
■ファイル名 | Backmovers101.zip |
■バージョン | 1.01 |
■容量 | 109,944 KByte |
■必要ランタイム | |
■動作環境 | Win 7 32bit/7 64bit/8 32bit/8 64bit/10 32bit/10 64bit |
■特徴 | |
■推奨年齢 | 全年齢 |
■登録日 | 2021-10-18 |
■ファイル更新日 | 2021-10-18 |
■情報更新日 | 2021-10-18 |
