Akuma No Gakko
Will you survive in the Ookami School?
Ookami School, 3-A Class is having a regular morning lesson, when a lightning hits the West Wing of the school causing a complete Blackout.
Is up to Ichigo Suzuki, the school representative, to ask for help... but she will find out that the whole school has been teleported to another dimension and is now filled with Demons!
The bad news is, they can't run away.
Is there a good news too...? Yes, actually, there is!
A Divinity will offer help to some chosen students, in the form of some "Spirits" that can transform into weapons, with different powers and features.
Will they be able to survive?
Ichigo Suzuki: she is the 3A Class Representative. She is polemic sometimes, but she works hard for her class, and she can be a true leader. Her best friends are Akame, Roku and Haru.
Yume: she is Ichigo's spirit, and she is a girl, even if she doesn't seem one. Yume can't remember much about her past. She can transform into a Beretta 9mm.
Roku Yamada: He is a quite tall, blond guy with light blue eyes. He is a Class Representative, along with Ichigo.
Haru Tanaka: She is a very tiny girl, she is regarded as one of the cutest girls in her class. She is small, but, if she gets angry, she can be dangerous.
Akame Kimura: They often calle her Senpai, since she has failed once, therefore she is older than Ichigo, Roku and Haru. She smokes a lot and she acts like a badass.
Combat System: The combat system is the side system, where you see the protagonists and enemies on the battlefield. Has an ATB bar (Active Time Battle)
And enemies have their own life bar
Ichigo Projectiles: There are four Ichigo bullets, with four types of elements: Ichigo bullets
By climbing Ichigo Level Ichigo these are unlocked, and they can have advantages in battle such as increased attack or defense in addition to damage. Clearly some demons can be immune to these projectiles depending on the element.
Lost Souls: Going around the School we can find these Lost Souls, just exorcise them with the Beretta di Ichigo to purify them by pressing a sequence of commands. Some may give different rewards such as: Exp, Crystal, or Objects, but in the worst case a Demon may appear.
Minimap: On AnG we will have a small mini-map at the bottom right of the screen, it will help us to find out where to go through different sliders.
Red: Ichigo
Yellow: Objective/Mission
Light blue: Various objects
Green: Skill Shop or Objects
Purple: Lost Souls
To show/close the mini-map just press the "D" key
Savings: You can save up to 15 slots in the game
Directional Arrows: To move
Esc: To open Menu
Q: To open the Diary
Shift: To Run
Portal Games
modern algebra
Stefano Montironi (MrSte): Game Designer, Mapper, and Programmer
Rebecca Visentin (MissRebs): Storyboarder, Concept Artist, and Pixel Artist
Eleonora Ferrari (Ellie): Storyboarder, and Game Tester
Giulia Di Pasqua (Chu): Storyboarder, and Concept Artist
## The following is prohibited
1. Redistributing game files.
2. Pull out materials and reuse them.
■ファイル名 | AKUMA_NO_GAKKO_win_1.7.rar |
■バージョン | 1.17 |
■容量 | 306,232 KByte |
■必要ランタイム | |
■動作環境 | Win XP/VISTA 32bit/VISTA 64bit/7 32bit/7 64bit/8 32bit/8 64bit/10 32bit/10 64bit |
■特徴 | |
■推奨年齢 | 15歳以上(高校生~) |
■登録日 | 2017-10-05 |
■ファイル更新日 | 2017-10-05 |
■情報更新日 | 2017-10-05 |